Book Keeping Link è il sistema informatico implementato per la gestione della cassa della biglietteria di Trenord. 

It allowed a qualitative leap in the management of the daily operations of the 88 branches present in the 63 stations of the network. 
In the past, the process took place through the monthly compilation of paper forms that summarized the numerous cash transactions. 
These forms were collected and managed centrally with consequent accounting errors that were difficult to interpret and intervene.
BKL has solved these problems, facilitating the counter operator in the daily operation and recording of cash register activities. 
The system contemplates the entire cash accounting process of the ticket office, from the opening of the work shift to the transfer of the accounting data to the SAP / R3 systems, passing through the automatic acquisition of the sales from the sales systems, the cash movements , withdrawals, balancing and closing of the cash register.
BKL is a centralized web based application, however, to facilitate daily operations, BKL has been integrated with the current sales systems present in the ticket offices.
Each counter can connect to BKL directly from the device used for issuing travel tickets, automatically acquiring the identification data of the issuer for the opening of the work shift in BKL.
Being a web based system, it allows the acquisition of control of the single counter remotely by the Ticket Office Manager and Area Managers, giving the possibility to take over the counter activities for support interventions and correction of registrations.
BKL is integrated with the other systems present in Trenord and in particular with the ticket issuer of the branch, with the system for the management of electronic sales carried out by the traveling staff and with the SAP / R3 accounting system.

System Users:

Technology used. Lo stack tecnologico per lo storage e lo sviluppo è interamente Microsoft.
Database: SQL Server 2008 R2
Architecture: Multilayer
Development framework: .NET 4.0
Access to data: Entity Framework 4.0
Language: C#
User interface: ASP.NET Web Form, JQuery

Team: 4/7 people
Elapsed Time: 10 months
Effort: 900 days / man